Circle Oak Ranch, Fallbrook, California Wedding


It was such a treat to be a part of Joey and Sara’s wedding day.

Their celebration with loved ones was the perfect combination of sweet, sincere moments and wild, memorable times. Joey and Sara’s crew was one that quickly welcomed me in with loving arms, and made me feel like one of their own. And times like that make this job absolutely an honor. I’d go even far as to say that it helps me do my job even better because everyone has their guard down. Everyone feels comfortable enough to be themselves, and that’s when the best photos are created.

Sara’s teary eyes as she takes a moment to soak in her first moments in her wedding dress is one of my favorite moments of the whole day. For a lot of brides, it seems to be the moment where it hits them that this is all really happening. It’s a moment that they’ve looked forward to since they were on the hunt for their perfect dress.

Wedding days are truly a roller coaster of a day. One minute you’re calm and relaxed, the next minute you’re welling up with tears, and the next minute you’re belly laughing those tears away.

They ended the day with a party, but before everyone let loose, they spend their first song in a group hug, swaying and singing to a song to honor the loss of a loved one in the family. Everyone was in tears, including myself.

I know it’s so easy to get caught up in the frills and details of weddings, but the true significance of a wedding is to celebrate with the loved ones with us, honor the ones who couldn’t be there, and wish the couple well on their new life adventure together.

Congrats Sara + Joey!!


Images produced as an associate photographer for Antonyette Photography

Venue: Circle Oak Ranch